Alumnius- Laravel Association Management System Website Template

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Created: Jul 9, 2020

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

ID: 107579

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Alumnius- Laravel Association Management System Website Template - Features Image 1

Introducing Alumnius - the ultimate solution for Association Management System built on PHP Laravel. This smart online system offers modernized management for various aspects including users, events, committees, memberships, jobs, blogs, payments, notices, accounts, FAQs, and extensive reports management. With its easy configuration and customizable frontend website, Alumnius is perfect for any kind of association looking to streamline their operations and enhance member engagement.


  1. Fully customized & dynamic settings frontend website.
  2. Change Password feature for enhanced security.
  3. Easily customizable and secure system.

Website Pages:

  • Homepage: Landing Page with 9 dynamic sections including Header, Slider, About, Latest Event & Notice, Our Committee, Our Testimonial, Blogs, Contact us, and Footer.
  • Events List and Details Pages: Allows event registration and management.
  • Blogs: Shared by registered users to foster community engagement.
  • Videos: Shared by registered Admin related to the Association for informative purposes.
  • Ask – Question: Anyone can ask questions to the admin for clarification.
  • FAQ: Approved questions answered by admin for quick reference.
  • Contact Us: Provides a means for users to connect with the association.
  • Signup and Login: User authentication for access to member-exclusive content.

Installation Guide:

  • Download the .zip package.
  • Upload it to your server and extract the package.
  • Browse the package URL via the browser
  • Enter Application Name, Application Title, Purchase Code, Company name, Email, Mobile, and Address.
  • Enter Hostname, Database Name, Database username, and Database password.
  • Enter default Email and Name.
  • Click the Install Now button and follow the prompts.
  • Create a .env file in the project folder.
  • Click the Install button to complete the installation process.

With Alumnius, managing your association has never been easier. Streamline your operations, engage your members, and unlock the full potential of your association with this powerful Association Management System.

2 Reviews for this product

After using their product, I had to come back for more. Great job!
Thank you sir for your nice review. hope you will enjoy our system.
Got a Zip with cracked PDFs, cracked HTML (which can't be opened correctly or changed) ang fonts. Support request was useless and I got no response from the author. Doing to claim a refund, because I nave no clue what to go
Dear Mr. Yuliia, Thank you so much for purchasing the product. In the document folder, you can find an index.html. It’s the document file. In the alumnius-codebase-v1.0 folder, you can find the code base of laravel. It's not a html project. It's PHP laravel application. In order to control it from the backend application, we recommend purchasing the below backend system to control this frontend system. It's a dynamic system. For any kind of clarification, let us know. Thank you so much.

2 Comments for this product

My review was misleading as the product is fine and I failed to install it correctly. I can't change a review, but I am sorry for the 1 star. Also, the author provided me with support and was generally nice, despite me being mean, which I feel sorry for.
My review was misleading as the product is fine and I failed to install it correctly. I can't change a review, but I am sorry for the 1 star. Also, the author provided me with support and was generally nice, despite me being mean, which I feel sorry for.

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5.0 /5
Support rating (2 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 2 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0
